Have you realized over the last several months how much energy you’re wasting and are looking for some ways to lower your electricity bill and energy consumption? Well, here is a list of some easy fixes that you can implement into your home today.
1) Air-dry your dishes
Skip out on the heat-dry setting on your dishwasher. Heat-drying your dishes are not only expensive but not necessary. Rather, open the door just a crack and let the dishes air-dry.
2) Keep your oven door closed
Every time you open your oven door to see how things are baking, you’re losing precious heat and energy that your oven is going to have to regenerate. Stick to looking through the window to check on your bake.
3) Use smaller appliances
Rather than taking the time and energy needed to heat the large oven, it is better to use a smaller appliance. Like the microwave or a toaster oven. Not only will you get your food quicker but you’ll also be lowering your energy cost.
4) Adjust your fridge and freezer temperatures
By adjusting your fridge and freezer temperatures, you’ll be able to keep your appliance from having to work overtime. Set your fridge to 38 degrees Fahrenheit and your freezer to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. This will keep your food fresh and your energy bill lower.
5) Use cold water when washing your clothes
Most of the energy used when doing a load of wash is from heating the water. So start washing your clothes in cold water. Besides, most of the detergents are made to work better in cold water.
6) Run full loads of wash
When you are doing loads of laundry, make sure to get a full load. By cutting down on the number of loads you do per week, it will significantly lower the energy you use on your washer and dryer.

7) Extra spin in the washer
Set your washer to have an extra spin when washing your clothes. This can cut significant time your clothes are in the dryer and therefore save you money on your next power bill.
8) Clean your dryer
After every load, you should clean out the lint trap in your dryer. And regularly maintain your dryer vents. Not only will this help keep your dryer working at peak performance, but it will also help keep you from having a fire.
9) Wool balls in the dryer
Adding wool balls or a dry towel into your dryer can help speed up the dry time significantly. And when you add the wool balls, you won’t need to spend money on fabric softener.
10) Air-dry clothing
One of the easiest ways to save money on your electric bill is by simply not running your dryer. If it’s not feasible for you to air dry all of your clothes, consider half of them to make a dramatic effect on your bills.
11) Use smarter bulb
Switching to higher efficient bulbs, like LED, is an easy way to lower your energy footprint. Plus by using the LED lights, you’re not only saving energy but you won’t have to change them nearly as often.
12) Use motion sensors
If you’re sick of reminding family members to turn off the lights when they leave a room, consider installing motion sensor lighting. When there isn’t anyone in the room, the light will turn itself off for you.
13) Unplug your devices
When you aren’t using those devices, unplug them. Even when they aren’t in use they are still using energy. Which means the best option to stop that is to unplug. But if that’s not feasible, check into a power strip that can turn off all of the power to several items.

14) Use natural light
Using natural light to light up your room make seem like a no brainer. But it is a great way to use natural resources to lower your bill. Try opening blinds opposite the sun to avoid the extra heat into your home.
15) Use task lighting
Rather than turn on the overhead light that uses more energy to light the whole room, try turning on smaller lights for the task at hand. Plus, it gives more direct light for what you need making it easier to see.
16) Window coverings
Shutting your blinds to keep the sun from pounding in your windows during the summer months is an easy way to help regulate the temperature in your home. And in turn, lower the cost of your energy bill.
17) Use a fan
If it’s possible, put a fan in every room of your house. Then before you touch the thermostat, turn on your fan during those hot months. The circulating air will make the room feel cooler while also use less energy than your air conditioning.
18) Lower thermostat
When you go to bed at night lower the thermostat by a few degrees. This will not only help with being able to sleep but will also help lower those costs. It’s also something to do when you’re not at home during the day or on vacation.
19) Get a programable thermostat
Get yourself a programable thermostat to help regulate the temperature in the house better. This way you can easily set the thermostat to a lower temperature while you’re sleeping or out of the house during the day.
20) Check your thermostat location
If your thermostat is located in a bad spot it will make it impossible to properly heat or cool your home. If it’s getting all the afternoon sun, the air conditioning will be running all afternoon while the rest of your place will be freezing.

21) Switch to low flow showerhead and faucets
Installing a water-efficient showerhead and faucets in your home will help dramatically reduce your water usage as well as your water heating costs. Be sure to look for appliances with the certified WaterSense label.
22) Turn the hot water heater down
Most hot water heaters are set at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. By turning to down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll be saving costs on not needing to get the water so hot and it’s still plenty warm for all your hot water needs.
23) Turn off the water
By turning off the water when you’re shaving, washing your hands, and brushing your teeth you will be saving money on hot water costs. But you’ll also be saving on your water usage as well.
24) Keep home sealed tight
Apply weather stripping around your doors and plastic over your drafty windows in the winter. You can even put insulation pads inside electrical outlets and spray foam around windows. All of which will help keep drafts from entering your home.
25) Do chores at night
Doing your chores at night will be cheaper. The power company can charge more during these hours making it less cost-effective to run your appliances during the day. Choose to run your dishwasher, washer, and dryer later at night.

Let us know in the comments what from the list you try and which ones you like the best.
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